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What is the return policy?

What is the return procedure?
If you are not satisfied with the product you have ordered, you can return it within 14 days after the product is delivered. This period starts on the day you receive the product.

Fill in the return form and send it with the return shipment.

Please note: A return can only be processed if it has been received by us in its original condition including return form. If your return is accepted, you will be credited with the purchase amount within 14 days of receipt.
Why Cookies?

With the help of cookies we strive to provide you with a better and more personalized service.

Functional cookies ensure that the website works correctly and also have an analytical function, which allows us to continuously improve the website. We are happy to show you and create relevant advertisements use technologies to track your behavior in an anonymous manner both inside and outside our website.

Why Cookies?
By clicking 'Accept Cookies', you agree to the use of these technologies. If you choose 'Configure cookies', you can adjust or refuse the cookie settings as desired. In that case, only functional and limited analytical cookies will be placed, together with comparable techniques. You can adjust your preferences at a later time via the preferences page.